September Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

September Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

As we enter September, email newsletter content ideas are plentiful for food bloggers and food content creators. The hard part will be narrowing down your content for the next few months!

For most food bloggers and food content creators, September is the kick off to the busiest season of the year!

There’s no shortage of things to write about over the coming months. This is the time of year where food plays a crucial roll and everyone has a lot to do!

How can you start to make things easier for your most engaged audience members?


There are so many ideas for email content over the next 4-5 months that it can be almost overwhelming. My best suggestion is to take a few moments to sit down and craft out a content plan to get you through early January. It will help alleviate some of the stress! If you need help, check out this post on planning out your email content (Step 4 is particularly helpful for this time of year.)

If you’ve been neglecting your newsletter subscribers, now is the time to show them some love. You want them to be interested and full of anticipation for how you’re going to help them get through the next four months as they head back to school or work, look forward to Thanksgiving and Halloween and start to plan their holiday season.


Remember that this list of ideas is meant to help kickstart your brainstorming. Choose topics that are obviously a good fit for your audience. But don’t shy away from other, less obvious, topics. Instead, look to see if there’s a way you can adapt them to fit your audience

For example: lunchbox ideas. These don’t just have to apply to school lunches. Adults head back to work after vacation. Budgets are still a little stressed this year to maybe more adults are brown bagging it or meal prepping to avoid waste. They need lunches too. Maybe they work from home and get too absorbed in their work to be bothered with lunch so meal prepping is ideal for them.

Your audience might be looking for budget friendly hacks or maybe they’re vegan, or don’t eat dairy or they follow a keto diet. Take the lunchbox idea and adapt it to fit your content and audience.


Here are some holidays and significant content themes for September; Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) runs from Sept 15-17, it’s officially PSL season and, of course, the kids are back in school! Looking to the future, Rosh Hashanah runs from October 2-4 and Canadian Thanksgiving is October 14th

  • Back to School is always huge in September and remember that Labour Day is early this year (2024) so all kids will be back in class by September 3rd. Read more on Back to School ideas below
  • Rosh Hashanah starts at sundown on Friday, October 2 and runs till sundown on Sunday, October 4th – there are multiple foods associated with this holiday and you will want to start sharing content in late September
  • pumpkin everything is going to be everywhere for the next 3-4 months – pace yourselves! 🤣 (and make sure to recycle your old pumpkin content in your emails!)
  • Canadians, start trickling out your Thanksgiving content in late September – people plan menus well in advance when they are hosting and entertaining.
  • Americans, don’t neglect your Canadian readers – Canadian Thanksgiving is second only to Christmas in terms of food prep and consumption (this is also where segmenting your email list by country can be super helpful!)
  • If you have digital products around preparing for Canadian Thanksgiving (ebooks, shopping lists, menu planners etc,) now is the time to be actively promoting them to your list every week in September. REMEMBER: you can also promote them again for US Thanksgiving!
  • If you have digital products for Halloween (ebooks, project plans, party planning etc), start promoting to your list weekly in mid-late September.
  • Apples! September is apple season: cakes, pies, galettes and tarts – but don’t forget savoury apple ideas as well!
candied apples on a wooden cutting board. A text overlay outlines some of the September email newsletter ideas for food content creators that are discussed in the article


Back to school is such a big topic it deserves it’s own section!

  • lunchbox ideas:
    • snacks
    • mains
    • treats
    • hot and cold foods (and how to store them)
    • food safety
    • sustainable packaging
    • bento boxes
    • cookies, muffins, bars
    • alternatives to pre-packaged food
    • allergen-free or friendly
    • make ahead/meal prepped
    • budget friendly
  • lunches for adults
  • breakfasts:
    • grab-n-go
    • quick and easy
    • overnight prep
  • weeknight dinners:
    • one pot or sheet pan
    • under 30 minutes
    • under 20 minutes
    • meal prep
    • freezer friendly
    • pantry planning, kid approved, Instant Pot, Air Fryer, slow cooker
  • snacks:
    • after school munchies
    • high energy fuel for sports or after school activities
    • snacks for studying, focus and concentration
    • easy snacks
    • diy snack packs or refrigerator snack drawers
    • energy and granola bars and balls
    • classic lunchbox and cookie jar cookies
  • food tips for surviving in a dorm or shared accommodation


September (and even early October) weather can be a mixed bag but odds are good that there will still be a lot of hot days ahead. Pay attention to weather across the continent and not just where you live before you get too carried away with comfort food.

Having said that, the days are shorter and the nights will be starting to cool off so start to sneak in some lighter comfort foods. Soups, lighter pasta and potato dishes are all good options for September.


There’s a little bit of everything available in September!

  • apples
  • pears
  • plums
  • blackberries
  • figs
  • grapes
  • cranberries
  • pomegranates (late Sept)
  • most other summer fruits are still available but are at the very tail end of their season
  • carrots
  • corn
  • summer squash, cucumbers, zucchini
  • green beans
  • tomatoes
  • eggplant
  • peppers
  • winter squash, pumpkins, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, celery and sweet potatoes (the Thanksgiving foods!) all start to appear in mid to late September depending on geography


  • holiday budget planning – this year, more then ever, people will be budget focused this upcoming holiday season. September is a great time to start talking and writing about how to plan for the holidays on a budget – including pantry planning, entertaining, cookie and bar swaps etc.

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your September newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

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September email newsletters ideas for food content creators imposed on an image of a rustic apple galette